Have you searched for how to do colon massage for constipation relief? Clients have shown me routines they learned on the internet for colon massage and it’s always the same bad information repeated over and over. This misinformation is usually spread by people who aren’t abdominal massage therapists. They recommend an oversimplified abdominal massage. The techniques I’m referring to are ones they found online which includes massage in a clockwise circle, or an upside down U, or the “I Love You” technique. These principles shows lack of basic anatomy knowledge. I want to set the record straight, these oversimplified techniques won’t do much for relieving constipation. I’m not saying self-abdominal massage is complex, it doesn’t need to be. The point is, there is a better way.

The colon isn’t in a circle or upside down U. It’s also not right beneath the surface. Different areas of the colon are at different depths. Different types of techniques work for the various parts of the colon. The transverse colon does not run straight across the upper belly, sometimes it dips below the navel!

Watch the 1 minute video below to understand why the common oversimplified techniques for colon massage aren’t effective in relieving constipation.