Do you want to Learn Abdominal Massage, but you’re overwhelmed by the time and financial commitment? I have a way you can learn an effective abdominal treatment in three hour for much less than you would charge for a single session.

The question I get most often from massage therapists taking my online self-care courses is, “Can I use the techniques you teach in your self-care abdominal courses with my clients?”

While I do have a special Practitioner Module included in the Womb Care and the Free The Belly course that addresses working with clients, the massage modules of those two courses are intended for self-care only. Many massage therapists reported that they have enhanced their current abdominal therapy practice with the principles learned in my courses. This is absolutely fine and encouraged as long as it’s appropriate for your client and your training background. However, the self-care ebooks and handouts are for course participants only, so please don’t share those. You are welcome to share the course link or an affiliate link with them so they can learn the self-care massage.

Many massage therapists lack basic training in abdominal massage and avoid massaging the belly altogether because they’re afraid they will do something wrong or think it will be uncomfortable for their client. Which can happen, if you’re not properly trained. The one thing that holds many massage therapists back from attending abdominal massage certification is that abdominal massage therapy certification courses are very time-consuming, intensive, and expensive! I know because each of the abdominal therapy courses I’ve trained in had multiple levels and together cost me tens of thousands of dollars. For instance…

  • Chi Nei Tsang had prerequisites of Iron Shirt, Microcosmic Orbit, before taking several weeks of Chi Nei Tsang training and hundreds of case studies before I was qualified to attend certification testing with Mantak Chia.
  • Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®  had the prerequisite of self-care before taking the professional training, then I had to compile case studies as an apprenticeship to Doctor Arvigo before taking the certification course. I then went on to advanced pregnancy care and finally teacher training.

Visceral Manipulation through the Barral Institute was even more intense! I spent seven years attending the following courses and study groups.

  • VM1-Abdomen Liver, Stomach, Intestines
  • VM2- Spleen, Kidneys
  • VM3- Pelvic Organs
  • VM4- Thorax
  • VM5- Manual Thermal Evaluation
  • VM6- Visceral Emotional
  • L1- Osteopathic manual evaluation techniques
  • Visceral Lymphatic Balancing

Each VM course was 4 full days plus many hours in study groups.

I also took several weeks of Functional Methods (osteopathic abdominal training) courses, moxibustion, and Ayurvedic training!

Yes, it was a lot but I loved it all! I specialize in abdominal therapy. In the end, 100% of my clients came to me for abdominal therapy. If you want to specialize only in abdominal therapy, I encourage you to get more education from a reputable school. Find an abdominal form that speaks to you and go for it.

However, if you would like to be more comfortable incorporating an effective, relaxing, safe abdominal therapy within your client session without having to spend thousands of dollars in workshops and travel fees as well as time off work to attend weeks of training as I did, I’d like to teach you a simple and effective treatment that I have found effective with my clients. So, if you’re looking for abdominal therapy techniques that can be woven into your own specialty, I have a cost-effective, time-saving idea. I’d like to teach you abdominal massage techniques in a one to two hour online course for the fee of $59. Would you be interested? This course won’t be filled with a bunch of theory, background, or upsell pitches, I’ll get right into the nitty gritty with how-to demos. I’ll be demonstrating the techniques on a real person, with clear instructions and time for questions. But first, I’d like to know what you are interested in. Would you like me to demonstrate:

A. effective abdominal massage techniques for constipated clients.

B. a foundational routine for relaxing the abdomen while increasing blood flow.*

C. other___________________

*By the way, simply releasing tension in the abdomen can also release tension in the neck, shoulder, chest, and back! Your abdomen is the core and everything branches out from there. So, even if your client is coming to you for neck pain, abdominal massage can help.

Update: It’s here! You’ve asked for a short course on abdominal massage specifically for massage therapist and I’ve created one. It’s also approved for 3 CEUs through NCBTMB. Read more and register here…

Abdominal Massage Mini Course for Massage Therapists

If you aren’t in my current online courses, check them out here. Please note that I do have a module specifically for massage therapists in the Womb Care and the Free The Belly courses. Massage therapists will deepen their knowledge of the abdominal layers, anatomy of the abdomen, contraindications to abdominal womb massage, diastasis recti causes and prevention, breath assessment, signs and symptoms of a displaced uterus, emotional holding patterns in the belly, pelvic floor education, and more. The practitioner page for LMTs includes video lessons on how to approach the abdomen, calming techniques, using flower essences on the abdomen, and accessing the breath.

These courses are NCBTMB Approved for 14 CEUs when taken together. You will also save $50 when you register for both.


Barbara Horsley
Abdominal Therapist & Educator