Perhaps, the best benefit of baking soda is not even in baking. Although it causes the dough to rise due to its leavening properties, it also has numerous household uses. Sodium bicarbonate is also used as a sali, prevents weed growth, treats heartburn, and others. Also, many workplaces conduct urine and saliva test before being employed. Thus, baking soda helps pass saliva and urine drug tests because it functions as an antacid to make your body more alkaline. Baking Soda specifically works to beat the methamphetamine test.

What is Baking Soda?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is in almost every home today because of its many uses. It is an alkaline white powder, which produces carbon dioxide gas when mixed with an acid. This carbon dioxide is trapped in batter, which makes it rise or inflate. Baking soda, lemon juice, buttermilk, vinegar, and yogurt are other common acids that cause this reaction.

The common uses of baking soda

Enhancement of treatment of certain cancers, hindering the progression of kidney diseases, and reduction of fridge odor are some of the other benefits of baking soda. The common ones included.


Only a few people know that human sweat is odorless; it has an odor when broken down by bacteria residing in your armpits. Bacteria break down the sweat to give an acidic waste product with an odor. However, Baking soda comes in handy in eliminating the odor caused by the bacteria. Trying rubbing your armpits with baking soda to see the magic.


Heartburn results from acid reflux in your stomach. This heartburn is a burning and painful sensation that you feel at the upper part of your stomach up to your throat. Heartburn occurs when acid in your stomach reflux your esophagus or gullet – the tube that links your mouth to the stomach. The common causes of heartburn include eating spicy and greasy food, stress, and overeating. However, baking soda can help you treat heartburn by neutralizing the acidic content of your stomach. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink.


For better oral hygiene, mouthwash helps to reach other areas you might miss during brushing. Such areas include gums, cervices of the teeth, tongue, and corners of the mouth. Baking soda serves as a good alternative for mouthwash and helps maintain fresh breath, with its antimicrobial and antibacterial characteristics. All you need is to add a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and swish your mouth.

Improve exercise performance

Baking soda is common among athletes because studies have shown that it helps athletes perform at their peak for longer duration during sprinting, anaerobic, or high-intensity exercise. Your body produces lactic acid during strenuous exercise, which results in a burning sensation. The lactic acid also reduces the cell pH to cause muscle fatigue. With baking soda, you can exercise optimally because it has high PH and helps to delay fatigue. 300mg of baking soda per one liter of water helps.

Relive sunburns and itchy skins

Baking soda relieves itchy skin and is effective against bee stings and bug bites. With cornstarch and oatmeal, baking soda is combined or individually relieves you from sunburn and itching. 1-2 cups of baking soda in your lukewarm bath and soaking the affected skin region in the bath is effective. Additionally, you can make a baking soda paste and apply it to the affected body part.

Helps to pass urine test and saliva test

People who use methamphetamine do ask if baking soda can help pass urine and saliva test. They hope that substances can not be detected. Baking soda functions to retain the drug in the body for a short period to give a false negative result. However, sodium bicarbonate is not cleansing but neutralizing the body's acidity, making the blood, urine, or stomach more alkaline. Baking soda prevents the excretion of methamphetamine metabolites from the kidney, and its intake before a drug test lowers the probability of having a positive result. However, it may not work for cannabis, marijuana, or weed.

The side effects or cons of taking baking soda

The side effects of baking soda include diarrhea and stomach upset for half or a teaspoon of baking soda. However, a large dose of baking soda, usually more than two spoons at a time, may cause your blood PH to be more alkaline – alkalosis. It also causes nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and cramp, stroke, brain hemorrhage, stomach rupture, worsening kidney disease, worsening heart disease, and even death.

Alternatives to Baking Soda

Qcarbo32 is often considered a safer alternative to baking soda for drug test detox. It is a popular detox drink specifically formulated to help flush out toxins from the body, including drug metabolites. Unlike baking soda, which can have potential side effects and risks when consumed in large doses, Qcarbo32 is designed to be a gentler option. It contains a blend of herbal ingredients and essential nutrients that work together to support the body's natural detoxification processes. Qcarbo32 is known for its ability to temporarily mask the presence of drugs in urine, providing a window of time during which a drug test may yield negative results. For more information about Qcarbo32 and its usage, you can visit

However, it's important to note that Qcarbo32 is not a foolproof method and may not guarantee a successful outcome in all cases. It is always advisable to follow the instructions carefully and consult with a healthcare professional before using any detox product.


Baking soda isn’t just a household ingredient for baking; it serves numerous functions and helps pass urine tests and saliva tests for methamphetamine. However, it is not effective against weed, cannabis, or marijuana.

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