Question: I want to learn abdominal massage. I am emailing you because I see that you have been certified in nearly every abdominal modality, and I know you must be a wealth of information. Right now, I am specifically exploring both Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and Chi Nei Tsang, but am just beginning in learning about these. Most of the information I have found apart from committing to the full programs has been for self-massage. I agree that this is a good first step, which is why I am considering your courses (Womb Care and Abdominal Scars). Would you recommend this as a starting place if I want to pursue the possibility of offering abdominal massage? Or is this exclusively for self-care? At this point, I don’t have enough information to know if I want to commit to being tied down to any one specific abdominal modality. I also don’t yet know what path would be the best investment of my time and energy as I work toward getting a solid education in this area. Do you have any thoughts you could share? Any feedback or suggestions would be very appreciated.

Answer: I get this question a lot! I learned valuable but very different lessons from the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, Chi Nei Tsang, Functional Methods, and Visceral Manipulation™ training. I wrote about the difference between the training programs here (when I studied them), Choosing just one is difficult. The direction you take really depends on your goals and the time you can invest. I suggest getting a session of each modality yourself.

I wrote about why I moved away from any one protocol in this article, The Arvigo training has changed since I’ve gone through the program with Dr. Rosita Arvigo. And ownership has changed hands, so I can’t speak to the current training. The CNT training also varies depending on who you study with. I studied Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) with Kyle Cline (Oregon) and Mantak Chia (Thailand). I highly recommend both CNT teachers. You can read about some of the courses I’ve taken here and here.

Self-Care Abdominal Massage

If you would like to learn my approach to abdominal massage. I offer 14 CEUs when the Womb Care and FTB courses are taken together. Even though the Abdominal Courses I offer are technically self-care, professional bodyworkers have learned valuable skills from taking these courses. Since I have so many massage therapists taking my courses I’ve added a bonus page just for professionals in the Womb Care & Free The Belly course.

In my courses, massage therapists will deepen their knowledge of the abdominal layers, anatomy of the abdomen, contraindications to abdominal massage, diastasis recti causes, emotional holding patterns in the belly, and more. The practitioner page for massage therapists includes video lessons on how to approach the abdomen, calming techniques, using flower essences on the abdomen, and accessing the breath. You can read about what other LMTs have said about my self-care courses on this page and the testimonials on the course description pages. Let me know if you have any further questions.