Great news! Massage Therapists can now earn 14 CEUs if they complete both of the online courses!

“This curriculum is a must for anyone with a belly! It is especially vital to those of us practicing in the field of women’s health and bodywork. I believe I am better prepared to care for myself with my health issues and shall be better able to serve as a guide to those whom I serve. Barbara Horsley, Thank you for illuminating a path of understanding for me! This course was such a wise investment. For anyone working on the belly, this course should be a mandatory requirement!!” Trish DeTura, Certified Nurse Midwife and Licensed Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Women’s Holistic Healing

In the Womb Care course, you will learn self-abdominal massage for uterine, ovarian, and digestive health, herbal remedies, and mind-body techniques for moving emotional holding patterns out of your pelvic bowl. You will also learn pelvic alignment exercises and nutritious movement for uterine health.

In the Free The Belly course you will learn how to safely work with your abdominal scars and adhesions so that you’ll feel freer in your body and alleviate symptoms related to your abdominal restrictions. Symptoms related to abdominal scars and restrictions include painful periods, abdominal tugging, digestive distress, frequent urination, and painful intercourse. This class goes way beyond the typical skin rolling techniques taught by many practitioners and is great for c-section scars!

I’ve created a way to share a kaleidoscope of self-care abdominal and pelvic health practices that were inspired by my 23 years as a manual therapist working with thousands of unique bellies.

“Barbara has a new amazing course: Womb Care.
I’ve taken her Abdominal Scars Course and am now working through Womb Care. – it’s so good! Thought provoking, great info, life stories, self-care, and interesting videos.
This Womb Care course has reignited my drive to spread menstrual love. Highly recommend Barbara’s classes!!!” Maria Antonescu Massage and Movement