Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation™ techniques are low-force manual therapy techniques that enhance the motility and mobility of internal organs. Visceral Manipulation™ practitioners “listen” to the tissues with soft hands. I often close my eyes during a session because I can “see” better while my eyes are closed. It’s as if my hands create a connection between my mind’s eye and the internal landscape of the belly. Feeling the motility of the organs is what I imagine deep-sea diving might feel like. Weightless, quiet, and serene with kelp fields, seagrasses, and jellyfish undulating about.
I’m constantly curious and a lifetime learner. I’ve completed the following Visceral Manipulation™ (VM) series through the Barral Institute.
Visceral Manipulation™ courses I’ve completed:
VM1-Abdomen Liver, Stomach, Intestines
VM2- Spleen, Kidneys
VM3- Pelvic Organs
VM4- Thorax
VM5- Manual Thermal Evaluation
VM6- Visceral Emotional
L1- Osteopathic manual evaluation techniques
Visceral Lymphatic Balancing
It took me six years but it was totally worth it! The osteopathic approach to Visceral Manipulation™ has deepened my understanding of the tissues and internal organs and taught me how to work most effectively with their innate intelligence. I’ve also completed a series of three courses in Functional Methods which also have a foundation in osteopathic manipulation with visceral manipulation techniques. The gentle osteopathic manipulations resonate with who I am and my approach to working with the body’s intelligence. Chi Nei Tsang (Chinese Abdominal Massage) and Maya abdominal massage blend effortlessly into the sessions as well. To learn more about the abdominal massage therapy services I offer in West Michigan click here.