503.341.0663 admin@nurturance.net


Visceral & Neural Manipulation

Visceral & Neural Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation Visceral Manipulation™ techniques are low-force manual therapy techniques that enhance the motility and mobility of internal organs. Visceral Manipulation™ practitioners “listen” to the tissues with soft hands. I often close my eyes during a...

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Uterine Peristalsis & Abdominal Massage

Uterine Peristalsis & Abdominal Massage

The uterus moves in many ways and requires movement for fertility function, getting the sperm to where it needs to go, for pushing a baby out, for menstrual health and controlling menstrual blood flow. That’s where abdominal fertility massage, specifically uterine or womb massage and Visceral Manipulation™ can help.

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The Uterus & The Brain

The Uterus & The Brain

September 28, 2019 Ok, I'm going to be a share-bare with you. I recently went out on my first date since my divorce. Since I do osteopathic manipulations (Visceral Manipulation™) and my date is an osteopathic physician we had lots to chat about over dinner...like...

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